The Luga'Ru

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This entry is provided primarily for out of character reference. Most people in character would have no idea the Luga'Ru exist, or if they do would probably assume them to conform to the stereotypes about Werewolves presented in Hollywood productions and old fairy stories. Luga'Ru PCs and NPCs are only available with the joint permission of the player who submitted the race, Rocky, and the command team.

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Able to sniff out a lie, as long as the person telling it knows it to be a lie. (IE A person who owns a bookstore tells him they can get something for him when they know they can't.) This ability depends upon tells such as changing position of head quickly before a response to a question, the person may begin to breath heavily and shoulders will rise due to change in heart rate and blood flow change, stand very still, repeated words or phrases, provide too much information, touch/cover their mouth, instinctively cover vulnerable body parts, foot shuffling, difficulty speaking, stare without blinking much, and a tendency to point a lot. If someone is an experienced liar, these tells may not work or may not be obvious enough, but the change in heart rate and blood flow could still be heard by a Luga'Ru.
  • Supernatural strength in Chrinos form (Can flip a car over with no sweat) Strong as a Klingon in homid.
  • Supernatural hearing (Can hear a mouse in a field a hundred yards away)
  • Supernatural vision (Can see up to two miles away and read a small sign, or follow a trail that would be invisible to a normal.)
  • Supernatural sense of smell (Can pick up and distinguish up to ten different scents at once, over a hundred yards away)
  • Regenerates unless damage taken from silver.
    • Loss of a finger or toe: Ten minutes with standard penalty imposed upon movement or dexterity.
    • Hand or foot: Fifteen to twenty minutes: No movement or use of only one hand.
    • Arm or leg: Thirty to forty-five minutes. Same as hand or foot.
    • Mild cut: One minute
    • Medium cut: Three to four minutes
    • Severe cut: Five to ten minutes
  • Susceptible to psionics - headaches, blurred vision, sickness
  • Highly allergic to silver
  • Allergic to Wolf's Bane - cannot transform when exposed in high doses

For the most part, the Luga'Ru battle to maintain their world before all the negativity leads to a total collapse, the Apocalypse. They do so hidden from the public eye and live in secret from humanity in general. In their war the Luga'Ru often hunt down and kill humans or supernatural creatures that either actively pursue the Apocalypse or unwittingly contribute to it, due to their parasitic nature. This includes fallen Luga'Ru, aliens, and humans. In doing so, the Luga'Ru regard themselves as kind of the immune system of their planet, Earth.

The Luga'Ru

As dual beings (being both wolves and men), Luga'Ru can (and do) interbreed with both species. Luga'Ru can live as/among humans, although they were born in human form. A Luga'Ru's extended non-shapechanging family is called its Heirlinga. Most often, Luga'Ru are born to one non-Luga'Ru and one Luga'Ru parent but in families (both wolf and human) where Luga'Ru blood is especially strong, Homid or Lupus Luga'Ru sometimes are born from non-shapeshifting parents.

The circumstance of their parentage determines their breed. A Luga'Ru born in human form is called a homid; a Luga'Ru born in wolf form is called a lupus. The breed or species of the mother determines the breed of the Luga'Ru. A Luga'Ru born from two Luga'Ru parents is called a Metis and is invariably deformed as a result of this inbreeding, as well as completely sterile; however, Metis have Gifts and advantages exclusive to their breed, including the ability to regenerate in all their various forms and a deeper understanding of Luga'Ru society owing to their pre-change life exclusively amongst the Luga'Ru. Once pariahs in Luga'Ru society, trying times have led to the partial integration of the Metis breed into the ranks of the Luga'Ru. A Luga'Ru's breed determines (to some extent) their Gnosis, or spiritual awareness (Lupus Luga'Ru being more in tune with the primal spirit world than Homids, and Metis Luga'Ru being in between).

Prior to their First Change, Luga'Ru typically live amongst their Heirlinga; in most cases, non-Metis Luga'Ru are raised unaware of their true nature. Luga'Ru usually experience their first change during puberty, occurring in the early teenage years for homids, around 1-2 years of age for lupus, and typically about 6-10 years of age for Metis. Prior to this change, the proto-Luga'Ru is usually unable to change forms, a condition that rarely causes difficulty amongst the homid and lupus, but which confines the Metis to the perimeter (or bawn) of Luga'Ru-held holy places called Dens.

In general, while most non-Metis Luga'Ru leave their native societies to live among their shapechanging kin (engaging in a modern primitive lifestyle), they try to retain healthy contact with their Heirlinga to ensure their protection as family and the overall health and vitality of the Luga'Ru line.

Over the millennia some Heirlinga lost their connection to the Luga'Ru society and are unaware of their status as Heirlinga. If such non-shapeshifting parents have a Luga'Ru child it is considered a Lost Cub.


Luga'Ru can shape-shift into one of five distinct forms:

  • Homid is the human form.
  • Lupus is the wolf form.
  • Crinos is the monstrous hybrid form of man and wolf, the classical Luga'Ru.
  • Glabro is a human-like shape, that might be mistaken for a prehistoric human.
  • Hispo is a dire wolf-like form.

A Luga'Ru can always assume his Breed Form with ease. There is a fixed order of the forms: Homid, Glabro, Crinos, Hispo, and Lupus.


Luga'Ru are not solitary creatures. They live in packs like wolves do and organize themselves into septs (groups of packs). In former times septs used to be communities of one tribe only, but in modern times septs often house Luga'Ru from more than one tribe. This also led to multi-tribal packs. Some septs live around a holy site, called Den, a place with magical properties. Besides the community the a Luga'Ru lives in, the tribe he belongs to, has a more or less strict social infrastructure, depending on the tribe in question.

The Tribes form a loose coalition, known as the Luga'Ru Nation. This Nation is based on two core aspects:

  • The common set of laws, called The Litany
  • The three virtues Honor, Glory and Wisdom

The Rank of a Luga'Ru in the society is measured by his renown as being glorious, honorable and wise.


Luga'Ru tribes resemble human tribes in that they are a community of members sharing common lineage, traditions, rites and values. The Luga'Ru tribes each claim descent from a particular geographic areas or demographic subset of human/wolf society (or claim that the particular culture descended from the Luga'Ru tribe).

The Luga'Ru (originally and sometimes still known as the Fenrir, or "Those of Freki") trace their roots to tribes and wolf packs back millennia. They are known as fierce and unforgiving warriors. The Luga'Ru prize strength in all forms, not only of body but also of mind. They constantly train in battle, duel, engage in survival activities to hone their warrior skills. Cult of strength and endurance is so prevailing that they prize every battle-scar and sometimes engage in ritual self mutilation to prove themselves. Once seen as elitist or even hostile in temperament, the Fenrir are, in truth, one of the most meritocratic; any Luga'Ru who can prove themselves strong is considered worthy regardless of their breeding.

The Fenrir are infamous for the constant "testing" to which they subject other Luga'Ru. The Fenrir use these tests to determine the fitness of members in the task of defending Freki and her Dens. In practice, the Fenrir are known to challenge members to duels and to take control of Dens, by force if necessary, if the rightful claimants are unable to defend them. They are also notorious for being unable to compromise and prone to rage - the reason they are derided by other tribes.


Luga'Ru society is also divided into five auspices, or spiritual life-paths that a Luga'Ru is born with. They are tied to the phases of the Moon and considered gifts from Freki's sister Luna. These auspices determine (to some extent) a Luga'Ru's Rage, or violent predatory instinct. The auspice system is one of the pillars of Luga'Ru society as it helps to describe social caste, predisposition, and calling. The auspices are:

Auspice of the new moon, the Trickster. The Questioner of the Ways. Ragabash have a duty to question Luga'Ru society and, by so doing to show what needs to be changed and what doesn't.
Auspice of the crescent moon, the Seer and Shaman. The Searcher of the Ways. The Theurge serve as intercessors between their Luga'Ru brethren and the spirits.
Auspice of the half moon, the Mediator, Counselor and Judge. The Keeper of the Ways. The Philodox are tasked with knowing the laws of the Luga'Ru by heart, thus discerning right and wrong as well as settling disagreements.
Auspice of the gibbous moon, the Bard. The Lover of the Ways. The Galliard reminds the other Luga'Ru of their heritage and history with their passion for the ways of the Luga'Ru.
Auspice of the full moon, the Warrior. The Protector of the Ways. While all Luga'Ru are warriors, the Ahroun excel at the arts of war, even if they are often unstable. Their task is to enforce the ways with skill, tactics and, if necessary, with brute strength.

As a Luga'Ru performs deeds fitting with their auspice, they rise in rank in Luga'Ru society. While Luga'Ru can renounce their auspice and select another more suited to their true calling, this is a grave action, done only in cases where a Luga'Ru's auspice truly does not fit their destiny. Such a Luga'Ru turns his back on his former life completely, renouncing not only his auspice, but his renown and even his spirit-granted gifts as well.

Auspices are not the end-all-be-all role of each Luga'Ru. In fact each Luga'Ru is expected to serve small functions of each auspice. Ahrouns are usually the leader, and therefore must be able to sometimes perform mediation. Other Luga'Ru besides theurges are expected to deal with spirits, even though it is not their primary function. All Luga'Ru are expected to fight for Freki, not just the Ahrouns. Some tribes, the Luga'Ru in particular, expect all of their members to be adept at fighting.

Luga'Ru Litany

As a whole, the Luga'Ru Nation follow a set of rules called the Litany as listed here. Adherence to the litany ranges between individuals and tribes from strict obedience to simple lip service.

  • Luga'Ru Shall Not Mate with Luga'Ru
  • Combat the Blight Wherever It Dwells and Whenever It Breeds
  • Respect the Territory of Another
  • Accept an Honorable Surrender
  • Submission to Those of Higher Station
  • The First Share of the Kill for the Greatest of Station
  • Ye Shall Not Eat the Flesh of Humans
  • Respect for Those beneath Ye - All Are of Freki
  • The Veil Shall Not Be Lifted
  • Do Not Suffer Thy People to Tend Thy Sickness
  • The Leader May Be Challenged at Any Time during Peace
  • The Leader May Not Be Challenged during Wartime
  • Ye Shall Take No Action That Causes a Den to Be Violated


Luga'Ru are spiritual creatures. It is said that they once were animistic spirits themselves, and upon entering flesh they retained their spiritual affinities and pacts. The culture of the Luga'Ru nation is centered around venerating various spirits (every pack, sept, and tribe has its patron spirit or totem) that can help them in their war against the enemies of Freki. While it is Theurges who deal with spirits most often, every werewolf has to deal with spirits, in order to gain favors and knowledge, and to learn Gifts, the quasi-magical powers of Luga'Ru.

The conflicts of the Luga'Ru are largely driven by a spiritual war being waged by the Triat, incarnations of the three aspects of reality:

  • The Ataxia is the force of primal creation and chaos
  • The Equipoise is the force of stability and stasis
  • The Blight is the force of corruption, decay, and destruction.

The Creation of the Luga'Ru

In the beginning there were the three members of the Triat: the Ataxia, the Equipoise, and the Blight. They were balanced with one another in the beginning. Creation began with the Ataxia. The Ataxia is chaos and the vast endless of possibility, constantly swirling with change, shifting forms endlessly. From the Ataxia's heedless creation came growth. Freki sprang from the Ataxia.

The Equipoise, the embodiment of order, selected portions of creation from the Ataxia and gave them structure; kept them from dissolving back into chaos at the moment of their birth. In doing so, the Equipoise began to create the fabric of the universe - the Pattern Web.

The Blight was once the restorer of balance. Residing between the Pattern Web and the chaos of the Ataxia, it ensuring that neither the order of the Equipoise nor the chaos of the Ataxia prevailed throughout reality, removing all that was not harmonious.

According to Luga'Ru myth, this was the true cosmological cycle of chaos, creation, and destruction. It lasted an eternity, but was ultimately shattered when the Equipoise gained consciousness. The Luga'Ru disagrees on exactly how this happened.

Regardless, the Equipoise subsequently tried to spin the entire Ataxia into full, patterned existence. The futility of such an impossible task drove the Equipoise insane. In its desperation, the Equipoise ensnared the Blight within the Pattern Web in its pursuit of the Ataxia, in turn, driving the Blight insane as well.

Now the balance of pattern and chaos has been replaced by stagnation and decay, as the Equipoise madly weaves its patterns unchecked or balanced, while the Blight, trapped within the Pattern Web, works to devour Freki and destroy all of creation from the inside out.