R&D (USS Joshua Norton NCC-74819-A)

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Converted from part of a cargo bay (the remainder becoming the armory), the R&D Lab serves as the center of technology development on the ship to handle all those unexpected situations that arise out in the field during ops. It mainly consists of three areas: a carefully cataloged storage area with floor to ceiling shelving and tracking system for all items stored within, a work area with benches and computers for manufacturing and testing, and a test range for testing modified and new weaponry.

Test Range

Running the length of the lab's back wall, the test range is isolated from the rest of the area by a transparent aluminum wall to allow for safe observation of the weapon discharge. There are two firing stations at one end, and a dedicated shielded holoprojector down range, to allow for simulation of a number of targets, though it is also possible to place real objects in the target area for testing the interactions of weapons. Within there is a sensitive sensor kit to allow for monitoring the performance of the weapons.

Work Area

A corral of work benches are situated near the entrance into the lab with computer interfaces built into the surfaces, as well as a number of sensors, containment fields, and specialized tools for manufacturing, testing, and adjustment. A mid-sized industrial replicator is located in this area as well. All work benches can have their height adjusted independently for the comfort of the people working at them (and due to the diminutive size of the head of R&D, are often kept at one of their lower settings).

Storage Area

All prototypes and technology developed by R&D are kept in this area. Tracking tags are attached to storage containers or directly to the items to allow for easy tracking of the items with ship sensors. The shelving extends from floor to ceiling with ladders and antigrav lifts to access items kept on the higher shelves.