Corey Waterhouse (mirror)

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Both of his parents were lucky enough to come from the small group of Terrans afforded mildly better social freedoms within the Alliance. Jasper was allowed to study architecture with the understanding he would do civil planning — he was good enough at it that they allowed him some (supervised) personal freedom to do a little work to ease the living conditions of the other Terrans, with the understanding that the minor comforts his efforts would result in would make for a more productive and compliant slave population. Evelyn was in a similar position, serving as a teacher in a school designed specifically to turn out a better labor force. The two met when Jasper was doing work on the school she was teaching in. Though the two of them got along well enough to have three children together, Jasper's travel and other issues kept them from getting married in the end, and the two split amicably a handful of years after Corey was born.

At first, Corey and his sisters stayed with their mother, but once Corey was old enough to express a preference, he traveled with his dad. Jasper's work caused him to travel all over Alliance territory due to the on site planning and consultations during the construction process, and in the case of the jobs that were for improved quality of life for the terrans, he often got involved in the actual construction work. This left Corey in the care of strangers a lot of the time, especially when he was still young enough that he wasn't seen as useful to any of the work that needed doing.

He learned much by watching his father, and filling his time with any book he could get his hands on, but a lot of the places they went had limited access to reading materials and sometimes Jasper was pressed enough for time on whatever he was working on that Corey wasn't allowed to help. So he found other ways to occupy himself. Once he reached his teens, he found that making himself sexually available to those with some authority often ended up with additional perks for him and his father for the duration of whatever project Jasper was working on, so it soon became a habit that he would seek out the person with the highest authority that found him attractive as soon they arrived somewhere new.

When he was old enough to cut out on his own, he worked a mix of engineering odd jobs and prostitution, always sending credits to Jasper whenever he could spare them. He soon found himself in the Orion part of Alliance space, making close friends with an Orion woman named Sayvolu who was a madam at a bordello. He worked for her for a time, learning from her and the others in residence a range of skills to supplement his natural inclinations towards engineering. Between doing the repair work around the building, on the job experience, and filling in to help Sayvolu with the administration of the operation, he came out of the bordello equipped with the knowledge needed to set him on his main path in life.

It was about this time that he met Andrea Stevens, and the two of them made what was intended to be a temporary alliance of convenience — she needed the ability to travel more freely as she was on the run from her abusive owner, and he wanted company in his travels. As time went on, the two of them formed a deep friendship that soon became a romance. When they'd saved up the credits that allowed him to bribe her previous owner for her independence, they got married soon after.

It was about this time that the Terran rebellion started, and the final piece that put Corey on his path in life. One of the skills he picked up in Sayvolu's bordello was listening, particularly in a way that made people not realize it. He and Andrea made a point of plying a trade of prostitution with a side order of intelligence gathering, collecting a vast network of clients in various positions of power and all of them none the wiser that anything said during pillow talk would soon end up in the hands of their enemies. They played no favorites, and their information traveled across factions to garner them favors and protections in all corners of the changing landscape as the Terrans wrested free their former territory from the Alliance.

While Andrea was with a Klingon client with a perchance for gentle love making, a Terran attack destroyed the base the Klingon commanded with no survivors. Corey was devastated. At first he withdrew and no one heard from him for a couple years, to the point that many of his clients assumed he'd died also. When he returned he was a changed man — where he'd been fairly happy given the circumstances of his life, now he was only cold and calculating. He could fake the humor and warmth when he needed to get something, but when it wasn't necessary he didn't bother. This is when he started to cash in the favors he'd collected over the years, carefully pulling strings and manipulating people to reach his one goal — to retire to a moon that sat out of the way along the border between Alliance and Terran space.

He succeeded around 2401, and since has sat in mostly isolated luxury. From time to time, he still plays host to past clients of both the sexual and information nature, and maintains a network of informants to keep him up to date on the latest happenings within all powers in the Alpha and Beta quadrants in an effort to ensure that he can maintain his nest of isolation. He has also sworn to kill anyone involved with the attack that killed Andrea, or anyone who's directed related to someone involved — he's eliminated nearly three-quarters of his list by this point.

Slim and fit, Corey takes great care with his health and appearance. Though not as critical as it was in his younger days, he still knows that seduction is one of his strongest skills and tries to keep the tools of the trade (his body) in prime form. He keeps his blond hair on the longish side, always meticulously styled and colored, though he's allowing his age to show a little in the form of dignified silver at his temples and it's not uncommon for his ice cold blue eyes to be hidden behind the fringe of his hair. His clothing is typically made of drapey and high quality fabrics, clothing selected by what has the greatest overlap between what looks good on him, what is comfortable to wear, and what is easy to remove when the need arises.

He's fluent in Terran and Orion, and has a limited working knowledge of Klingon, though his accent is so thick when attempting to speak it, you'd be hard pressed to understand him.

He keeps in limited contact with his family. He's seen that both of his parents are safely cared for away from the beaten path, and occasionally sends gifts to his twin nieces Elizabeth and Rachel, daughters of his sister Fiona and her husband Nick.