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An old dialect of Romulan, an offshoot that emerged when the Romulan language was fracturing from the Vulcan language after the Romulan people left Vulcan society behind. It was mostly abandoned after what become the common Romulan tongue started to be adopted by enough of the people, but some scholars and the Tal Shiar have both been known to keep it alive. Very few outside Romulan society even know of its existence.

The name for the language came to mean enlighten in the common tongue — a nod to its use being common among scholars as it fell out of common use.

The Tal Shiar have been known to use it as one of multiple layers when devising encryption. Such as in the log "Was ist hier los?" where it was evidence of the Tal Shiar's presence after they'd managed to stay off Starfleet Intelligence's radar for nearly three decades since the destruction of their homeword when their sun went nova.


The word was sourced from Imperial Romulan Language Institute, and its use as the name of an old dialect of Romulan has no basis in hard canon, it was a creation for this game.