Battle of Sherman's Planet

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Sherman's Planet originally was best known for the agreement in the Organian Peace Treaty which determined if the Klingons or the Federation would gain control of the planet based upon who best developed it. In the end, the Federation prevailed and in time the planet became home to a thriving spaceport. In 2409 it was the site of a surprise attack by the borg.

The Attack

The borg had been quiet for many years, since the crippling blow dealt by Voyager on its way home from the Delta Quadrant in 2378, until a lone sphere appeared in orbit over the planet. Drones beamed down into the spaceport and major city centers as the sphere picked off the planetary defenses — though not before a distress signal was broadcast and received by nearby station K-7 and multiple starships.

Starfleet and the Klingon Defense Force responded with multiple ships, landing teams and waging battle in orbit. The Enterprise-E and Chancellor Martok's flagship were both present for the battle. On the surface, the initial borg landing parties quickly spread out, assimilating and killing everyone in their way. In orbit, most of the ships involved in the battle were destroyed before the sphere beamed up most of its drones and left orbit just as Chancellor Martok was ordering a course laid in to ram the sphere with his flagship.

The drones left behind continued to fight to maintain control of the planet as the few ships that remained in orbit collected the escape pods from the ships that had been destroyed. In time the isolated drones were put down, but at a significant cost of life.


It was unclear if it was coincidence, or if the Romulans had been waiting for a distraction, when Wallace was attacked by a Romulan force. The report of the attack on Wallace was received during the peak of the battle at Sherman's Planet, and all forces in the area had been directed to Sherman's Planet at the time, which meant that some ships had to be reallocated from the borg battle.

Officially the New Romulan Star Empire has denied all involvement in the planning and execution of the attack, and unofficially a terrorist group known as the Ralaaram Ocala has taken credit. Starfleet Intelligence believes the attack was an effort to destabilize the sitting government, and prime for another coup attempt, but the attack failed to disrupt the treated that existed between the Federation and Romulans.