

The Mor'Cris are an avian descendant species who occupy the third planet in the Eta Volantis system. Their society is on the cusp of industrial revolution, with pockets of less technologically advanced culture further from the city centers. Their planet has one moon and four continents.


Eta Volantis III is divided into a number of countries, each with their own governmental structures, ranging from monarchies to elected representation. Though small skirmishes and disagreements over territory and resources occur from time to time, the planet has mostly enjoyed a peaceful existence in the last few generations.


Sabar is a constitutional monarchy, and one of the two largest powers on Eta Volantis III. Their territory extends over most of the largest continent on the planet, and they are often the authority that steps in to enforce peace among the other countries. Their influence extends beyond their peacekeeping as well: the monarchy is well known for their support of the fine arts and scientific research, resulting in both thriving and influencing the other larger countries on the planet.


Masdo is a hybrid democracy with strong socialist leanings, and the second of the two largest powers on Eta Volantis III. Most government funded research is focused upon technology and knowledge that will allow for better sharing of resources and care of its people. Their territory is spread out across the four continents, mostly located on coastal regions, and connected by a vast merchant marine network.

Biology & Culture

As avian descended humanoids, they still retain a number of bird traits such as feathers, beaks, and claws. Their wings have started to evolve into hands, and as such while having fingers and hands at the end still have a strong resemblance to the wings of their ancestors. In the more technologically advanced parts of their society, some of their people selectively pluck and/or dye their feathers for fashion purposes. While they have lost the ability to fly, some of the less technologically advanced cultures have maintained at least the knowledge and ability to glide though the air from impressive heights.

The digits on their hands and feet are anisodactyl; three forward and one back. This geometry may have allowed them to hunt from the air in their distant past. It also allowed for the back digit to easily evolve into an opposable configuration. As such they can grasp objects with both their hands and feet, though their leg muscles are larger and allow for a stronger grip.

They have an inclination to mate for life, and reproduce by laying eggs. Typically both parents take turns incubating the egg, though in some of the more affluent segments of society an egg sitter or family member can also take turns in the incubation process. Some scientific research as been put into incubation chambers that are powered by a number of sources such as steam, fire, or heat generating mechanisms, but they are still very uncommon as most of society sees it as unnatural and disruptive of the bonding process that takes place between parents and child before hatching.